Scintilla A free source code editor for Win32 and X Release version 1.77
Site last modified October 18 2008
Version 1.77 fixes lexer bugs and other minor issues.
Version 1.76 fixes some minor bugs.
Version 1.75 displays invalid UTF-8 bytes as hexadecimal and can show indentation guides on completely empty lines.
Version 1.74 includes Lua 5.1 and is faster for wide lines. The session file format has changed and SciTE will not load old .ses files.
Version 1.73 uses a Directory properties file to configure behaviour for files in a directory and its subdirectories.
Version 1.72 improves performance, enables incremental search on GTK+ and allows Find in Files to ignore binary files and directories starting with ".".
Version 1.71 contains minor fixes and enhancements.
Version 1.70 allows, on GTK+, approximate character set conversions for pasting and uses internationalised input at all times.
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SciTE is a SCIntilla based Text Editor. Originally built to demonstrate Scintilla, it has grown to be a generally useful editor with facilities for building and running programs. It is best used for jobs with simple configurations - I use it for building test and demonstration programs as well as SciTE and Scintilla, themselves.

SciTE is currently available for Intel Win32 and Linux compatible operating systems with GTK+. It has been run on Windows XP and on Fedora 8 and Ubuntu 7.10 with GTK+ 2.12. Here is a screenshot of SciTE.

On Windows, there is a companion application Filerx which provides project management and macro features to SciTE.

There are some extra configuration files that can enhance SciTE for various languages and APIs.

The scite-interest mailing list has moved from to Google Groups. Questions and comments about SciTE should be directed to the scite-interest mailing list, which is for discussion of SciTE and related projects, their bugs and future features. This is a low traffic list, averaging less than 50 messages per week. To avoid spam, only list members can write to the list. New versions of SciTE are announced on scite-interest and may also be received by SourceForge members by clicking on the Monitor column icon for "scite" on the downloads page. Messages sent to my personal email address that could have been sent to the list may receive no response.

There is a Scintilla project page hosted on SourceForge