Usage: php.exe -f phpapi.php [options] FOLDER Options: --create - creates files in all subfolders of FOLDER, if they do not exist. if they do exist, then replaces the api.$(file.patterns.php)=... line in those files. --api=apifile - add apifile to the api.$(file.patterns.php)= line. -v - verbose Sample usage: php -f phpapi.php --create --api='$(SciteDefaultHome)/api/php.api' ~/myproject/ USAGE; } /** * Returns all the dirs below the $folder. */ function all_dirs(&$dirlist, $current) { global $_PATH_SEP; if($dir = opendir($current)) { $dirlist[] = $current; while(($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) { if($file != '..' && $file != '.' && is_dir($current.$file)) { //~ echo "$current$file IS dice\n"; all_dirs($dirlist, $current.$file.$_PATH_SEP); //~ } else { //~ echo "$current$file NO dice\n"; } } closedir($dir); } } $_VER = '1.0'; $_PATH_SEP = (starts_with(php_uname(), 'Windows') ? '\\' : ''); $_CTAGS_LANGS = ' --languages=php,javascript '; $folder = null; $existing_api=null; $create=false; $verbose=false; foreach($argv as $k=>$v) { if($k == 0) continue; if(starts_with($v, '--api')) { list(,$existing_api) = explode('=', $v); } elseif(is_dir($v)) { $folder = $v; if(!ends_with($_PATH_SEP, $folder)) { $folder .= $_PATH_SEP; } } elseif(preg_match('/[-]{1,2}h/i', $v)) { die(usage()); } elseif($v == '--create') { $create = true; } elseif(preg_match('/(-v|--verbose)/', $v)) { $verbose = true; } } if(!$folder) die(usage()); # STEP 1: create the tag file if($verbose) { echo "Creating the TAGS file..."; ob_flush(); } exec("ctags $_CTAGS_LANGS --recurse --append=no --tag-relative=yes -e -f {$folder}TAGS $folder"); if(!is_file("{$folder}TAGS")) { die("ctags did not generate {$folder}TAGS\n"); } if($verbose) { echo " done\n"; ob_flush(); } # STEP 2: process the tag file and extract functions if($verbose) { echo "Processing the TAGS file..."; ob_flush(); } $lines = file_get_contents("{$folder}TAGS"); $lines = explode("\n", $lines); $last_file = ''; $tags = array(); foreach($lines as $line) { if(starts_with($line, $folder)) { #it's the file identification line. list($last_file) = explode(',', $line); $last_file = substr($last_file, strlen($folder)+1); } elseif(strpos($line, "\x7F")) { # it's a function definition # because of the -e parameter it'll look like: # function &blah(q_id, elem_id, display_wait) {\x7Fblah\x1107,2461 list($def, $tmp) = explode("\x7F", $line); list($fname,$tmp) = explode("\x1", $tmp); list($line,) = explode(',', $tmp); $start=strpos($def,$fname); $end=strrpos($def, ')'); $tags[] = array('f' => substr($def,$start,$end-$start+1), 'd'=> "$fname was last seen in $last_file:$line"); } } if($verbose) { echo " done\n"; ob_flush(); } # STEP 3: build the api file if($verbose) { echo "Building api file... "; ob_flush(); } $api_file = "{$folder}scite.api"; $fp = fopen($api_file, 'w'); foreach($tags as $t) { fwrite($fp, "{$t['f']} {$t['d']}\n"); } fclose($fp); unlink("{$folder}TAGS"); if($verbose) { echo " done\n"; ob_flush(); } if($verbose) { echo "API file is: $api_file (". filesize("{$folder}scite.api"). " bytes)\n"; ob_flush(); } # STEP X: begin the creation odyssey if($create) { $dirlist = array(); all_dirs($dirlist, $folder); //~ print_r($dirlist); $p_u = 0; $p_c = 0; # properties updated, properties created foreach($dirlist as $dir) { $curfile = "{$dir}{$_PATH_SEP}"; $api_line = 'api.$(file.patterns.php)='. ($existing_api ? "$existing_api;" : '') . $api_file; if(is_file($curfile)) { #file exists. read it and see what can we do with it. $lines = file_get_contents($curfile); $lines = explode("\n", $lines); $found = false; foreach($lines as $k=>$line) { if(preg_match('/api.\\$\\(file.patterns.php\\)/', $line)) { $lines[$k] = $api_line; $found = true; break; } } if(!$found) { $lines[] = $api_line; } $fp = fopen($curfile, 'w'); fwrite($fp, implode("\n", $lines)); fclose($fp); $p_u++; } else { #no such file. create it $fp = fopen($curfile, 'w'); fwrite($fp, $api_line . "\n"); fclose($fp); $p_c++; } } if($verbose) { echo " Created $p_c files and updated $p_u files.\n"; ob_flush(); } } ?>